Menu ID: 1151 ProcID: 0 Enabled flags: 0xFFFFFFFF Title: 'This is the title of the menu whch is also found several times in the menu itself' Items: (zero-terminated list) 0: Name: '128 x 192' Icon number: 0 Key equivalent: 0x0 (No key) Mark character: 0x0 (No mark) Style: 0x00 Command number: 0 (No command) 1: Name: '256 x 384' Icon number: 0 Key equivalent: 0x0 (No key) Mark character: 0x0 (No mark) Style: 0x00 Command number: 0 (No command) 2: Name: '512 x 768' Icon number: 0 Key equivalent: 0x0 (No key) Mark character: 0x0 (No mark) Style: 0x00 Command number: 0 (No command) 3: Name: '1024 x 1536' Icon number: 0 Key equivalent: 0x0 (No key) Mark character: 0x0 (No mark) Style: 0x00 Command number: 0 (No command) 4: Name: '2048 x 3072' Icon number: 0 Key equivalent: 0x0 (No key) Mark character: 0x0 (No mark) Style: 0x00 Command number: 0 (No command) Note: template did not parse all data in resource; remaining data: 00